Monday, December 24, 2012

Why I Need Your Help

Hi all,

So, as addressed in the previous post, this goal I have set for myself will be hard to accomplish. Though it is only one county, Cook County has a lot of areas that could potentially harbor good birds. This is where I need your help. When the new year comes, I will have a link to my yearlist at the top right corner of my blog. This will be updated every day. If you have seen any birds that I have not seen yet this year, I would appreciate it if you shoot me an email at (I know, a very creative email address). For sensitive species like owls and nightjars, I would appreciate it even more if you tell me where they are as they can be hard to find. I will not post the location if you do not want me to. I will not post that I got the bird if you do not want me to. Again, I would appreciate any help anyone can give me.

On a different note, I have a Flickr account:
Visit if you like :)

Thanks in advance

1 comment:

  1. We saw some interesting gulls by the shedd/ Adler yesterday. All white with a large black stripe. I am thinking a variety of gull
