With the trees budding and flowers blooming, it finally feels like spring is here. The radar is lighting up with bird migration tonight, so I cannot wait for tomorrow. Maybe we will finally get this long overdue push of warblers everyone has been longing for. I have gotten many new yearbirds since my last post. I am now at 175, only 100 away from beating the record! But, these 100 will be the hardest. They will test my motivation for this big year. But, I know that my motivation won't waver. Bring it on Mother Nature! Here is a list with a few photos and a few stories of the birds I have gotten since I last posted:
138. Purple Martin
139. Cliff Swallow
140. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
141. Chimney Swift
142. Palm Warbler
143. Spotted Sandpiper
144. Brewer's Blackbird
There was a giant invasion of Brewer's for some reason this spring. They showed up in many places in huge numbers. It was spectacular to see these rare and beautiful birds not 1 mile from my house.
145. Bonaparte's Gull
146. Green Heron
147. Solitary Sandpiper
148. Northern Waterthrush
149. Chipping Sparrow
150. House Wren
151. Bank Swallow
152. Eastern Kingbird
153. Pectoral Sandpiper
154. Winter Wren
155. Wilson's Phalarope
While not as drastic as the Brewer's, Wilson's Phalaropes also underwent an invasion into northern Illinois. On a hope and a whim, my dad and I went to Columbus Park to check out the flooded baseball field to see if we could find anything. I thought we wouldn't. My dad thought we would. He was right!
156. Louisiana Waterthrush
157. Yellow Warbler
158. Eared Grebe
(I never promised amazing photos)
159. Sora
160. American Bittern
161. Yellow-headed Blackbird
162. Virginia Rail
163. Eastern Whip-poor-will
This was the first time I have ever seen one in broad daylight! Great new Douglas Park bird and yearbird for me.
165. Clay-colored Sparrow
166. Gray Catbird
167. Cattle Egret
Given that my brother found one 20 yards over the county border the weekend before I saw this one, I was extremely happy to get this bird. Another great Douglas Park addition!
168. Rough-legged Hawk
169. Hooded Warbler
170. Common Yellowthroat
171. Lincoln's Sparrow
172. Swainson's Thrush
173. Grasshopper Sparrow
174. Orange-crowned Warbler
175. Broad-winged Hawk
I met my April goal! Wow. The radar looks amazing tonight. I can't wait for tomorrow! Until next time.